Tuesday, July 23, 2019

My Finished Magazine

Tuesday 23rd July 2019
Coursework Lesson Sixteen; My Finished Magazine
Do Now;

In this task i will attempt to show my final/finished magazine outcome.

Front Cover:

Double Page Spread, Page One:

Double Page Spread, Page Two:

Different View:

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Statement of Intent

Tuesday 17th June 2019
Coursework Lesson Fifteen; Statement of Intent
Do Now;

In this task i will attempt to write out my Statement of Intent.

Tuesday 17th July 2019
Coursework Lesson Fifteen; Statement of Intent

Do Now;

In this task i will attempt to write out my Statement of Intent.

I intend to use media language to suit my target audience through: my colour scheme as well as through my layout of magazine and colours as well as types of fonts I use. Since my magazine is aimed at 10 to 13 year olds and my survey review also showed this, I have decided on a wide range and variety of colours since research has also proven that colours provoke interest in content for young kids. Where as to further link from that I will also use a red and orange title that will be significantly larger than the rest of my writing. I have decided on red and orange for the main themes of my magazine because red and orange connote to danger and I want to show and make people realise how dangerous consuming sodas and many other drinks is to them and their bodies. Also I am focusing on the acidity and alkalinity of drinks; red and orange just happen to be the main colours on the pH scale which links to my overall topic as well as the message I am trying to promote through my magazine. The layout of my magazine is all scrambled across the page with the main the cover lines and additional information in bubbles to add more colour as well as more of a theme to my magazine's cover. The font used on my front cover and parts of my double page spread is a light and thin white font that it doesn't clash with the background picture. However on my title I used a large, bold half red and half orange font to connote what was mentioned before and to stand above the picture and information and be the first main focus of the whole cover. For my main article on page 3 I have used a basic and generic black font to make it neutral and to ensure that is stands above the photo not underneath it. I also used media representations in my work by aiming my magazine at young children who aren't aware of what they are doing to their bodies by consuming sodas and fizzy drinks regularly.

Magazine Cover Draft

Tuesday 04th June 2019
Coursework Lesson Fourteen; Magazine Cover Draft
Do Now;

(Work is being done on Canva.)

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Suvey Review #2

Tuesday 21st May 2019
Coursework Lesson Twelve (Part 3); Survey Review #2

Tuesday 04th June 2019
Coursework Lesson Thirteen (Part 4); Survey Review #3 Continuation

Replies- 26

1. What is your gender?

Female- 10/26
Male- 16/26

2. What is your age?

Under 10- 1/26
11-12- 1/26
12-13- 1/26
13-14- 23/26

3. How much science (chemistry) do you think it is involved in your everyday life?

Not at all- 3/26
Very Little- 2/26
A bit- 9/26
A Lot- 4/26
It's Everywhere- 5/26
How would i know?- 3/26

4. What is your favourite type of science?

Chemistry- 11/26
Biology- 12/26
Physics- 3/26

5. Do you enjoy learning new things? (Facts e.t.c)

Yes- 20/26
No- 6/26

6. What makes you pick up a magazine?

The photography- 11/26
The title- 3/26
The colour- 2/26
The content- 2/26
Everything- 3/26
Nothing- 5/26

7. What type of shots do you expect in a science magazine?

Long shots- 1/26
Mid-shots- 7/26
A variety- 18/26

8. What colours do you w\ant to see in a science magazine/

All- 5/26
A variety- 3/26
Rainbow- 3/26
Science-based colours- 14/26

(1 person skipped the question!)

9. How much would you pay for a science magazine?

£1.00- 10/26
£1.50- 5/26
£2.00- 3/26
£2.50- 5/26
£3.00- 1/26
£3.50- 2/26
£4.00- 0/26

10. How much would you be interested in a magazine that tells you facts and statistics about how much science is around you?

Not at all- 3/25
Not much- 0/25
Depends what the magazine will look like and feature- 11/25
Yeah i wouldn't mind- 5/25

(2 people skipped the question!)


Tuesday 21st May 2019
Coursework Lesson Twelve (Part 1); Re-Do
Do Now;

In this task i will explain why i have chosen to change my idea and explain to what i am changing it. Then i will re-do my survey and analyse it over the half-term break.

I have decided to change the idea for my magazine as i feel like my idea so far doesn't completely fit into the mark scheme// the 'educational' magazine. I feel like even though it educates people about confidence i just don't want it to seem like i didn't understand what my set task was; therefore I'm changing it to a science based magazine. As we have a week off i can re-do what needs to be done then and continue moving forwards with my magazine. I only need to right now re-do the explanation on what I'm doing my magazine about and re-do the survey (I'll analyse my results in the week off from school) and since i haven't taken any photos yet that part won't be difficult. 

(The next blog is going to be my idea! Like the 2nd blog from the beginning that was made on the 12th of March 2019)

Tuesday 21st May 2019
Coursework Lesson Twelve (Part 2); New Idea
Do Now;

In this task i will explain my new magazine idea.

Instead of using the confidence theme and my previous idea i am changing it to a science based idea to educate people about what science is and how it surrounds and involves our everyday lives. I want to show people how science fits our everyday lives as i feel like people don't realise that science involves anyone's out of school life which it does.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Logos, Layouts, Barcodes and Writing

Tuesday 14th May 2019
Coursework Lesson Eleven; Logos, Layouts, Barcodes and Writing
Do Now

In this task i will decide on what logo i will use. Then i will attempt to check my overall progress and recheck that i am on time with what needs to be done. Lastly, i will attempt to begin to  create my chosen logos, barcodes and start writing my 300 words if i have enough time if not then i can write the 300 words next week.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Logos and Layouts

Tuesday 07th May 2019
Coursework Lesson Ten; Logos and Layouts
Do Now

In this task i will try to create all or most of the logos i need for my magazine and if i will have time i will begin to decide on what layout i will use for my magazine.

The logos are saved (done on PowerPoint)!

Tuesday, April 30, 2019


Tuesday 30th April 2019
Coursework Lesson Nine; Schedule
Do Now

In this task i will create my schedule and try to organise everything i have left to do.

30/04/2019- Create my schedule.

- Create all of the logos needed for the whole magazine and start working on the layout of your magazine.

14/05/2019- Check your progress and make sure that everything is going as planned, then make sure that all of the needed logos and barcodes e.t.c. are made and saved. Begin writing the 300 words if you have time.

- Write all of the 300, all of the captions and any needed texts in word format and save for later. Then make sure you have all of the texts and logos made and saved before you get on to editing your images.

04/06/2019- Photoshop and edit all of your images needed and save for later.

- If not finished then; finish photo shopping your images. Produce your magazine layout of front page only and if you have time then begin your double page spread layout.

18/06/2019- Continue you page layouts until finished and then check that everything needed and all parts are made and saved and not in need of editing, if they are in need of editing then edit them and save for later use.
25/06/2019- Put all of your magazine together and make sure that nothing is missing.

- Check that everything went as planned and if something didn't then fix it, do an overall grammar check and make sure that your magazine fits the whole criteria and that you have the needed and expected amount of images e.t.c. (Check that nothing is missing from the brief.)

- Gain feedback and act upon it.

16/07/2019- Export final product and finally upload to blog.


Tuesday 30th April 2019
Coursework Lesson Eight; Casting
Do Now

In this task i will attempt to list my whole cast and everyone who i will need to use in order to help me complete my magazine.

Front Cover:

My front cover will consist of 2 visible (elbow to palm) white arms that will reach into the middle of the page, one holding a can of Pepsi and one holding a bottle of water, showing in a way, opposing sides on a green background to show the neutral and in between side. The arm that holds the Pepsi can, will be higher to show that Pepsi is winning (as in; there is a too large consumption of sodas). But even though the arm that holds the bottle of water will be lower, the bottle is taller so that it stands higher than the Pepsi can. This will show how consumption of water rather than sodas can improve a lot and benefit us in healthier ways if we try to change some things. The hand that holds the bottle of water will belong to a white female while, the hand that holds the Pepsi can will belong to a white male. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2019


Tuesday 02nd April 2019
Coursework Lesson Seven; Moodboard
Do Now

In this task i will create my own moodboard for my magazine.

This is the brief i have chosen, alongside all of the components that my final done magazine will need to include.

Moodboard 1

I haven't yet finished this moodboard but i have started applying some patterns to show different styles.

Survey Review

Tuesday 02nd April 2019
Coursework Lesson Six; Survey Review
Do Now

In this task i will analyse my survey and clarify what i will intend to do with those results. I will also specify the specific audience whom i am targeting my magazine towards.

My survey results will impacts my magazine. In my survey i asked questions such as;

How much would you pay for a magazine?

- The answer was between £1 and £1.50; so i went for £1.25.

What type of shots would you like to see in a fashion magazine?

- The answer was; a variety depending on what is being modelled.

So, these two examples will tell me what my magazine will feature. It will cost £1.25 if that is what i chosen and is most popular on my survey and then it will also tell me what i have to write about in my magazine. Another way to show how my survey will help with my magazine is; my main point is self confidence and about becoming who you really are and not being ashamed of it and that is why i asked if people are confident with their style and self appearance and if the answer is yes then my magazine won't make sense as i won't have anything to prove my points but if the major answer is no then my magazine will make sense and i won't have to change a whole lot in in my magazine.

Survey Results

Question 1- What is your gender?

Female- 18/29

Male- 11/29

Question 2- What is your age?

13- 8/29

14- 21/29

Question 3- When you go out with friends what do you base your outfit off of?

Whatever i can find laying around.- 13/29

What others are wearing.- 1/16
What i think other will think of me if they see me wearing what i am.- 6/29
What i look good in.- 12/29
What i feel best in.- 11/29

(Some people could have chosen more than one on this question.)

Question 4- Are you confident with the way you look?

Yes- 13/29

No- 16/29

Question 5- Have you ever been judged for the way you have dressed?

Yes- 16/29

No- 13/29

Question 6- In what ways do you dress?

In ways that make me fit in.- 4/29

In ways that make me look different.- 1/29
In ways that show my personality.- 14/29
In ways that cover my body. (e.g. oversized clothes)- 8/29
In ways that others dress in too.- 2/29

(Some people could have chosen more than one on this question.)

Question 7- Do you dress accordingly to others opinions?

Yes- 9/29

No- 20/29

Question 8- How much would you pay for a magazine?



(This question was one where you scroll and the average was £1.25.)

Question 9- What type of color do you want to see in a fashion magazine?

All colors- 17/29

A variety- 12/29

Question 10- What shots do you want to see?

Mid shots- 3/29

Close-up shots- 4/29
Long shots- 2/29
Different based on what is being modeled- 20/29


The audience i am aiming towards is anyone between 10-13 who feels like they need some help with being themselves and who just need a boost of confidence to feel and become more the person who they want to be: themselves. They can be from any economic class as long as they are willing to pay £1.25 for it.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Audience Profile

Tuesday 26th March 2019
Coursework Lesson Five; Audience Profile
Do Now

In this task i will create a survey based on what my magazine will be about to use that information in the creation of my magazine.

- In this lesson i created my survey and it was sent out to my class to be answered and reviewed by next week.

Intertextuality in Media Research

Tuesday 26th March 2019
Coursework Lesson Four; Intertextuality in Media Research
Do Now

In this task i will choose 3 different media texts and link them with an explanation to Intertextuality and what effect it has in their intended audiences.


Image result for national geographic kids
This shows intertextuality in media because the national geographic magazines no matter if its the kids version or the teens version, there will be a yellow border outlining the details in the middle as that is the logo which national geographic has and that's why if you see a magazine in a shop with a bright, bold and yellow border you will already know that, that is simply a national geographic magazine but if you take a closer look you will then be able to tell what age group it has been specified for. But, i have also noticed about this magazine that as it is a kid friendly magazine its cover features a young panda (that is probably also a child) and that is why the young panda was chosen for the cover of the national geographic magazine that is aimed at young kids.


Image result for the big issue ghostbusters
This shows intertextuality in media because it shows that women are coming to power more whilst stating it in a way which portrays humor. The way it shows this is by the use of the new Ghostbusters movie in which the ghostbusters are female that shows power and proves that women can do just as well as men in the same job which has a double meaning that we know because each of the women on the cover have done something or have taken a males job or worked the same position and maybe achieved more overtime and the new movie's main characters who were originally male have also been replaced by women to show power and new authority.This shows that women are becoming much more influential on the products we buy as they are being advertised as, as strong as men; through the simple caption/ movie quote and choice of movie poster for the use of a basic at first sight magazine. Also, at first it seems like this hilarious magazine is only a joke aimed at anyone to make them laugh but in reality it shows a deep hidden meaning that is aimed at young women all across the world probably around 15 and over.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Media Language and Representations in Media

Tuesday 19th March 2019
Coursework Lesson Three; Media Language and Representations in Media
Do Now

In this task i will choose examples of media magazines related to education and will analyse what i see and what i think of it in reference to my title.

(The images wouldn't save)


This layout is quite basic and doesn't have any stand out features only a couple of links to the context inside. It does have a yellow distinctive border which makes it look bright and therefore catch the public's eye but its too plain and boring. Just by looking at it you can see that its most likely an art based magazine. The title is barely visible because it clashes with the image on the front cover. I think that the image takes up too much space and overpowers any of the writing on the cover and i think that even though there is very little on the page it looks as if there is too much. But the font also contradicts to this because its very small and barely readable.

This cover by the same company but is much more developed and in a way advanced and what was done with makes it much more interesting and appealing to the audience. For example where the explosion caused by the planets' collision overlaps the title but leaves most of it untouched just so that its readable makes the article different to those around it and in this case the bright yellow border makes what is happening inside the border in a way contained and this gives much more effect to the whole outcome of the product. But once again although in this case the lack of writing and yet small font suit the whole image i feel like there is a lack of perspective causing the writing to be just a sort of irrelevant looking addition that is there because it needs to be not because it looks good. I think that if there would be more perspective on the planets then the font and writing could be arranged to suit the whole cover more.


I don't like this double page spread because i feel like the whole thing is just way too colourful and the fonts are barely readable due to the whole situation and distraction going on all over the two pages. I feel like its simply too much to take in at once but as it is a children's magazine it does suit the checklist for the maturity of the magazine but i don't think its suitable for anyone over 10 but the content probably won't interest children below 10. The theme idea is good but i think that the design just went a bit downhill and stereotyped that everything for young teens and kids has to be bright and colourful.


This magazine is just too much and too little at the same time because everything just doesn't flow together and its just plain. The photo is too large scale for the amount of writing there is on the page and i think that for the large image is sight captivating but for the wrong reasons. ,Maybe the large scale title in such a small space for writing is also the reason why the actual writing itself is simply to small and compacted into one area. I think the image should have been kept within the a4 range not over two pages as it just looks like the whole article is just an image with some claustrophobic writing. I think that its to simple, plain and basic so not on a high standard.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019


Tuesday 12th March 2019
Coursework Lesson Two; Plan
Do Now

In this task i will discuss my ideas for the NEA Brief i have chosen.


For my idea i was thinking of educating people about fashion. But precisely about the way that we shouldn't wear what we feel uncomfortable in but think we look good in to suit other people and their liking. My aim is to show people that you are most you when you feel like yourself not like someone who you are not. I want to show others that we are all different and we are not truly ourselves if we imitate people as no matter how much you would tell yourself that for example a style you copied from someone else is what you thought of it won't be the truth. I want to reach out to all of those who think they are going to be judged for being themselves and to all of those who lack confidence or those who feel they have to be someone else to be liked and accepted among friends in school or those who you want to be friends with.

I also feel that i for one am pretty confident in wearing what i like and not being who i am not in the clothes that i wear that's also why i feel like i should help others become more accepting with themselves and their styles. Another reason why i feel like this is what i should write about and do my magazine about is mainly because of my style and how it changed. This is because i have realised that as i have become older my style has changed a lot. Through year 7 my style was basic and plain and i only wore it because it made me fit in with others and i didn't want to be judged for what i wore. As year 8 started to come to an end and year 9 begun i realised that those who judged me had nothing to judge me about. In other words i became more confident. And this is something i want others to understand and become more confident in. So, i would want my magazine to be tips and ways to give people advice on how to be themselves and maybe tips on how to wear different clothes together.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

NEA Briefs

Tuesday 05th March 2019
Coursework Lesson One; NEA Briefs
Do Now

In this task i will choose an NEA Brief and explain my choice.

1. I chose Brief One because as its an educational magazine i think it would be simple to think of an idea but more difficult to adapt it as educational and stick with the checklist but I'm willing to give it a go as i already have a couple ideas. Also, writing a magazine would be challenging in the Photoshop wise-way and as i already know a few part i don't think that it would be a huge challenge to learn how to properly use Photoshop as it would be expanding my knowledge and that can really help me. Whilst I work through the coursework i feel that i will learn more how to step out of my comfort zone and start thinking outside of the box which will hopefully let me be more free and in a way help and allow me improve my work.